Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/25/12 | Reply
Waaah thank you !:D
I wasn't expecting anything *hugs* <3 I love it ^-^. Thank you for using this cute scan :3
I got more presents than I expected (from parents , brother, uncle and money form people). I ate too much of everything xD Bili smo sad kod rođaka i jedan me cilo vrime zeza zato sta sam iz mioca , i da previse ucim i to xD. On mi je poklonia nesto od drva sta je sam napravia i to mi je bas baza ^^
I hope you had a great day, ate a lot (you have to get fat like me xP) and also got presents that you wanted :D
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/25/12 | Reply
Merry Christmas Lucy!^^
This is a beautiful card. :)
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/25/12 | Reply
Waaah thank you !:D
I wasn't expecting anything *hugs* <3 I love it ^-^. Thank you for using this cute scan :3
I got more presents than I expected (from parents , brother, uncle and money form people). I ate too much of everything xD Bili smo sad kod rođaka i jedan me cilo vrime zeza zato sta sam iz mioca , i da previse ucim i to xD. On mi je poklonia nesto od drva sta je sam napravia i to mi je bas baza ^^
I hope you had a great day, ate a lot (you have to get fat like me xP) and also got presents that you wanted :D